Let’s work together!
AluSME is your consultancy company.
I am here to work with you.
Process development
Introducing new alloy to your anodizing line and surface finishing processes
Establishing new processes or production lines
Creating work instructions and control plans
Training operators
Custom color formulation
Developing a custom color on your anodizing line
Introducing dyeing on your anodizing line
Improving color uniformity
Introducing spray dyeing
Process optimization
Improving overall yield
Improving first pass yield
Improving throughput
Optimizing your work instructions
Environmental initiatives
Introducing recycled alloys
Reducing carbon footprint
Introducing more environmental friendly chemistries
Reducing water consumption
Reducing chemistry consumption
Specifying final finish and function of aluminum parts
Specifying requirements to raw materials for job shop
Specifying process control
Chemical analysis
Creating analysis procedures
Verifying chemical analysis
Training operators
Let’s talk, possibilities are endless